Your Lifestyle Medics

Exercising for your cycle

Season 1 Episode 19

In this week's episode, we're talking about how to exercise with your menstrual with Dr Samantha Newman, a specialist women's health GP!

We really enjoyed this episode, and learnt so much - so we hope you will too 

We chat about:

  • how our hormone levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle
  • the impact these changes have on our energy and fitness
  • how oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone affect strength and our cardiovascular system
  • what you can do to optimize exercise throughout your cycle, and ways to adapt your workout to suit your body and hormones

Samantha is a GP in Napier who works in women's health and runs the FemaleGP clinic. She enjoys integrating lifestyle and hormonal health, together with positive ageing and feels that General Practice is key to good midlife care.

Samantha grew up in London, trained at The University of Bristol, and has now been in New Zealand for almost 10 years.  She is happy to call Hawkes Bay her forever home.

Samantha is an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Auckland, an Adjunct Associate Researcher at the Health and Research Centre at the University of Monash, is an Accredited Forensic Examination for MEDSAC and does a couple of tenths of General GP at a local practice. 

You can find Dr Samanthas website here:, and follow her on FB here

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