Your Lifestyle Medics

Healthy eating during pregnancy

Season 1 Episode 12

In this week's episode, we're joined by fertility dietitian Claudia Vavasour, to chat about healthy nutrition in pregnancy, and how to eat to support a growing baby. 

Diet and pregnancy can be a confusing topic as we want to do our best, yet it's very easy to become overwhelmed by well-meaning yet sometimes conflicting advice. There is also often a huge amount of pressure on women to eat the perfect diet when pregnant, which can lead to guilt and stress when things don't go to plan. 

We chat about essential nutrients to include in our diet, what a general healthy eating pattern looks like in pregnancy, the supplements you need to know about, and how to choose a good prenatal vitamin (including the real facts on folic acid!) Claudia also shares her top tips on eating well when you're suffering from nausea or hyperemesis, and how to ensure you still get enough nutrition when you can't face the thought of food! 

This is an info-packed episode that takes a wonderful balanced evidence-based approach to food and pregnancy, and we know you'll love it .

AND as always, please share with anyone you know who might be interested, and join our mailing list or follow us on social media to get notified each time a new episode is released!! 

Claudia is a leading Fertility, Pregnancy & Women’s health Dietitian, with a special interest in unexplained infertility & recurrent miscarriage. She is a New Zealand Registered Dietitian (NZRD) with a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics. She went on to become a certified Dietitian in Fertility and Pregnancy and a Monash University certified FODMAP dietitian. As a mother herself, she founded Fertility Nutrition 4 years ago, which is an online nutrition private practice that provides expert nutrition advice for optimal fertility, pregnancy and hormone health. 

You can connect with Claudia through Instagram @fertility_nutrition_dietitians and the web at