Your Lifestyle Medics

Nutrition for a healthy heart with Lily Henderson

Your Lifestyle Medics Season 1 Episode 3

In this weeks episode, we’re joined by Lily Henderson, registered dietician, and National Nutrition Advisor at the New Zealand Heart Foundation.

Lily has spent over 15 years working as a registered dietitian in New Zealand, the UK and Australia with a wide range of population groups, and is passionate about translating the latest evidence into simple, practical and meaningful advice. She is also a Board member of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. 

She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our chat, as her job involves staying up to date with all the latest nutrition research for heart health - so we’re stoked to have her as our guest!

In this episode, we talk about why nutrition is THE biggest factor in keeping our hearts healthy; what the evidence shows around how to eat for heart health; and simple practical tips to improve your diet today.

We also cover facts vs myths around food and heart health; what current research is focusing on; and where to focus your energy and dollars if you want to eat for better heart health!

Lilys info is here

And more on eating for a healthy heart from the NZ Heart Foundation here